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  • Warts (verruca) are small, non-cancerous, usually painless growths on the skin.

    They are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus.


Warts (verruca) are small, non-cancerous, usually painless growths on the skin. They are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus. Though warts are harmless, they can be quite disfiguring, leading to low self-confidence.

Quick facts:

  • Warts are contagious in nature.
  • They are common among children and frequently seen in ages between 12 and 16 years.

Certain types of warts are itchy or even painful. In some cases, warts may disappear spontaneously without any treatment, but in most cases, proper treatment is required. The response to treatment also varies significantly. Some warts recover readily, while others might require long-term treatment. The trouble with warts is that they are contagious and therefore spread easily, thus warranting prompt treatment.

Conventional treatment does not target the root cause of warts; although they seem to disappear, they most often recur. With homeopathic constitutional treatment, warts can be treated effectively from the roots, thereby preventing further recurrence. 

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