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  • Urticaria
  • Urticaria also called nettle-rash or hives or wheels in a common language, simply means itching with a rash.

    Urticaria is an allergic or non-allergic immunological disease, shown on the skin.


Urticaria also called nettle-rash or hives or wheels in a common language, simply means itching with a rash. Medically, urticaria may be defined as skin eruption, which is allergic (or non-allergic) in origin and is characterized by profound itching, red circular or irregularly shaped eruptions on any part of the body.

Urticaria is called as pitti in Hindi.

Urticaria is an allergic or non-allergic immunological disease, shown on the skin. Characteristically the skin eruptions are erythematous, raised above the skin level, with intense itching and usually worsened by itching with slight local warmth. It can be acute or chronic; largely having a tendency to recur frequently for many months or years.

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