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  • Autism is a syndrome that leads to disturbance in a child’s behaviour and normal development.

    With timely homeopathic treatment, many autistic children are able to learn and function better.


Autism is a syndrome that leads to disturbance in a child’s behaviour and normal development. Typically, a parent will observe that their child is different from other children of his/her age group in the way he/she behaves, speaks (or the lack of it) and performs daily activities as compared to an average child.

Autism is usually diagnosed by the age of three. It is a lifelong disorder caused by abnormal neurological development. It is one of five pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) that also include Asperger's syndrome, childhood disintegrative disorder, Rett syndrome and pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), which are now classified as autism spectrum disorders.

Autism spectrum disorders are developmental disabilities that cause difficulty in social interaction, communication and limited or repetitive activities.

People with autism react differently to stimulations such as touch, sound, light, etc.; and have some amount of mental retardation. They are also at a risk of developing epilepsy. Autism affects every aspect of behaviour; lack or delay in speech, poor non-verbal communication, repetitive movements, minimal eye contact, diminished interest in being sociable, lack of spontaneity and insight, and fascination with sparkling objects, amongst other things. Some children with autism can be very aggressive and may land up injuring themselves with behaviours like banging their head against the wall or biting themselves. Interestingly, many children with autism have an average or above-average IQ.

Many autistic children, however, are able to show their feelings and emotions like average children, but in different ways. However, not all children with autism can express their emotions and feelings.

Some children with autism have developmental difficulties such as speech, which is why it becomes difficult for them to initiate or carry out conversations.

With timely homeopathic treatment, many autistic children are able to learn and function better.

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