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  • Obesity
  • Obesity means an excess fat collection in the body. There is always an optimal weight for every age and sex. In obesity, this weight exceeds the upper limit of normal by 30%.

    Morbid obesity is a condition wherein people are overweight by 45 kilos to what is normal for their age and sex.


Obesity means an excess fat collection in the body. There is always an optimal weight for every age and sex. In obesity, this weight exceeds the upper limit of normal by 30%.

Morbid obesity is a condition wherein people are overweight by 45 kilos to what is normal for their age and sex.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic consideration. It is a medical condition associated with illness and disability. It can lead to: -

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressures
  • Heart diseases like coronary heart diseases (CHD)
  • Diseases of gall bladder
  • Sleep apnea plus other respiratory problems
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Stroke
  • Increased risks for many cancerous conditions in both men and women.

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