Anal Fissure

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  • Anal fissures, also medically called as Fissure-in-Ano.

    Males, females including adults and children may get affected with Fissure-in-Ano.

Anal Fissure

Anal fissures, also medically called as Fissure-in-Ano, is nothing but a painful condition where there is a longitudinal cut on the skin of the anus. Due to friction or scratch or trauma, there may be a cut or fissure formation. Males, females including adults and children may get affected with Fissure-in-Ano.

The rear part of the anus is a common spot affected due to the poor blood supply, leading two formation of the fissure and difficult healing. Some conditions such as constipation, chronic diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, etc. could trigger or lead to fissure formation.

Common Symptoms of Fissure-in-Ano

  1. Pain while passing motions: Painfulness of the anus where there is a cut, is the most common symptom. The pain typically described by the patient is as cutting, shooting, agonizing, burning or even excruciating. It may last for a few hours after passing stool due to friction, fresh trauma, inflammation, and infection. It would start soon while passing stool, at times, preventing the defecate. Children may avoid passing stool due to anticipated pain. If the patient has consumed spicy food, there could be burning while passing stool; and afterwards. The pain may subside after a few minutes or a few hours; to re-appear after the next call for passing stool.
  2. Severe anal spasm (as a protective reflex)
  3. The hard stool may cause friction on the wall of anus giving blood-streaked stool. There may be frank bleeding after passing stool, which is likely to be bright red in colour.
  4. Itching, Discharge, swelling are common symptoms of chronic fissures.

Types of Fissure-in-Ano

  1. Fissure-in-Ano may be acute (less than 6 weeks of duration) fissure or chronic (more than 6 weeks of duration) or recurring fissures.
  2. Fissure-in-Ano is largely considered as a medico-surgical disorder. However, looking at it in the light of homeopathic medicine, it is medically correctible conditions. It is possible to avoid surgery using homeopathy, in most cases.

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