Lichen Planus

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  • Lichen Planus is commonly misspelled as lichen planu, liche planus, licchen planus, liken planus. Lichen Planus is called as Daad in Hindi and Gajkarna in Marathi.

    Fortunately, homeopathy, the fast-growing alternative medicine has a definite, promising treatment for Lichen Planus.

Lichen Planus

Lichen Planus is commonly misspelled as lichen planu, liche planus, licchen planus, liken planus. Lichen Planus is called as Daad in Hindi and Gajkarna in Marathi.

It is a long-standing (chronic), recurring, non-allergic, non-infectious, non-contagious disease of the skin, of which the exact cause is not yet fully understood.

It can affect the skin, oral mucosa, tongue, scalp, genitals, and nails. However, it is less likely that it affects all the areas as stated, at the same time. It has a tendency to relapse after some months or years. Females are more frequently affected as compared to the male counterpart, however, uncommon to find it in children. Over 1.9% of the total population is affected by Lichen Planus.

Fortunately, homeopathy, the fast-growing alternative medicine has a definite, promising treatment for Lichen Planus.

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